History of Hazrat Shamsuddin Tabrizi Sabzwari Rahmatullah

The count of Hazrat Shams Tabrizi Sabzwari (RA) is also of great importance in the city of Multan. Your grandfather Hazrat Ali Salaam Uddin was living in Sabzwar (Iran) while his last resting place was there. The father of Hazrat Shamsuddin Tabrizi Sabzwari (RA) was Hazrat Mohammad Salahuddin (RA) who was buried in Dara Nadab River Rogi (Afghanistan) after his death.
Shrine of Hazrat Shams Tabriz Sabzwari Rahmatullah
Shrine of  Hazrat Shams Tabrizi Sabzwari Rahmatullah
 About 25 years before the birth of Hazrat Sham Tabriz Sabzwari, your grandfather Ali Salaamuddin said to his father, Mohammed Salahuddin Rahmatullah, O my son, Allah will give you a son whose feast will shine all over the world like the sun. Naming Shams and saying that such knowledge is found is hidden in the blood.
 A few years later, the Almighty made the appearance of the guardian of 15 Shayban (560 AH) from his treasury of mercy, which is still known as Shams Tabriz.
 He was lonely since childhood and spent all day learning soliloquy with his father. Hazrat Shamsuddin Tabrizi learned a lot from his father, when he was 16 years old, that he had taught every human being to him. He started answering the question from the Quran. Sometimes your father remembered your father's light when he saw your destination, and your son's light would shine all over the world.
But as you continued to grow in knowledge, as you kept meeting people, your parents moved to different villages, villages, and cities. Hazrat Shamsuddin Tabrizi Hazrat Shamsuddin Tabrizi (RA) went there and preached the religion of the people to the people, but he was just a little older when your father saw your different nature and married the daughter of Hazrat Jalaluddin Rahmatullah. On this decision, he married his father for the sake of his father and gave him two children, one Syed Naseer-ud-din Rahmatullah and the other Syed Ala-ud-din Rahmatullah, whom your offspring still holds throughout the world. It is found in the name of Shamsi, Tabrizi, and Sabzwari.
