Lal Shahbaz Qalandar of Sehwan

Lal Shahbaz Qalandar was blessed by Allaah from childhood. Like the Prophet Hazrat Bahauddin Zakaria Multani, he learned the Qur'an at the age of just 7, but at the age of 20, he accepted the Qalandar order of Sufism.
Lal Shahbaz Qalander;
Tomb of Lal Shahbaz Qalandar

Lal Shahbaz Qalander Great saint of Sehwan 

The real name of Lal Shahbaz Qalandar is Syed Muhammad Usman who was born in Marwan in Iran in 1177 while his father was Syed Ibrahim Kabiruddin. His ancestors emigrated from Iraq and settled in Mashhad, and then migrated to Marwand.
Qalandar is a type of dervish whose garment resembles a beggar who usually appears to be a victim and has no permanent residence, but inherently there is a difference of earth heaven between them. Qalandar is a lamp of faith that shines the candle of faith in people who are immersed in the darkness of oppression, while beggars are distant from the faith, but the difference is visible to those who believe.
Lal Shahbaz Qalandar wandered all over the Middle East and came to Sindh with Baghdad as a wasteland. By the time he reached Multan in 1263, Multan was at the height of his knowledge of the teachings of Hazrat Bahauddin Multani. But on the insistence of the devotees, he went from Multan to Sihon Sharif. You lived there for six years and during that time thousands of people were blessed with the light of guidance. Sahwan is the oldest city in Sindh. It is believed that it was founded by Alexander the Great. Sehun was the capital of Buddhist rule.
